Les Ateliers Bonzai

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Visit to Guitar XXL

Having the chance to have professional woodworking shop nearby, that are opened for external visitors is always a treat to get ideas and meet great people. I recently had the chance to visit a luthier shop of the maker of Guitar XXL this summer while on paternity leave.

I met the owner from activities not related to woodworking, mainly through word to mouth.

After a bit of discussion, I asked the owner if I could visit the shop, being interested on how guitar take shape from a woodworking perspective.  And to do a bit of nerdy characteristics of woods to use to produce such nice instruments. What I saw was pretty impressive, to see nicely crafted worked, from small shops and from people that take time to craft them so nicely.

There were the good old commercial tools, found in many typical woodworking shops, but then specifics jigs and tools a little bit more specifics to lutherie.

If you are in the market for a new guitar, please visit the web site.  Even if you are not in the market or not a musician, please go visit anyway to see the gallery of guitars that they make.

Hope you enjoy as much as I did.