Sharpening Bench
Sharpening Bench
Sharpening Bench
I have been doing hand tools for a little while and have been struggling with a proper place to sharpen the different blades or chisel. I finally completed a sharpening bench that includes the proper accessories to help keep the necessary tools sharp and go back to work. The design is loosely based on a small granite bench that Lie-Nielsen do. In there catalog, it has a granite top, but I saw a model that I saw in one of there tool events was all of wood. I took a few pictures to help out on some of the joinery and how to build it.
The bench itself is not that big in size and is height adapted so it is not to high for sharpening the different tools. I have enough space to have a Slow speed 6" grinder to do the biggest work where I need to repair the biggest stuff. I replaced one of the wheel with a friable cool wheel to limit the possibility to burn the tips of the tools.
I have a granite block as a reference surface and a place holder for the stones when I need to sharpen. As far as wood, I still had some off cuts from the Roubo bench top I made about 2 years back. Actually, most of the lumber that composes this bench comes from left overs from the bench built. Can't go to waste.I made provision in the base to include a shelf if I ever require it to store some accessories if required. Just have not opted yet for the option, but would not be an real big issue to add also.
This might be an easy addition to the bench. I also need to hold down the grinder. I have not yet bolted through the top as I am hesitant to commit these holes in such a thick top. Will probably find a peeper way to tie in also the tool rest within this same solution so that if I want to repurpose the bench, I can easily do it.