Wall Tool Cabinet - Plane Storage
Having options in the hand plane till in the hanging tool cabinet is a must. Plan for what you have and allow so flexibility to grow

Tool Use : Smoothing Plane
A smoothing plane is probably one for the first plane that many woodworker buys as there first plane but can also be one of the most finicky to adjust.
Woodworking Christmas gifts - and more
Christmas gift giving can be an occasion to receive a veriety of small woodworking accessories.

Finer tooth dovetail saw
A nice dovetail saw allows the user to cut them with a nice precision. This model from Lie Nielsen, filled rip allows you to have an easier journey to cut these in any kind of wood
Update in the shop
One more shop update !

How saws saws!
Experience using saws is one of the best way to appreciate these hand tools which are really nice to use.

Hand Scraper topics
Multiple people that tried to use scrapers with varying success. Or at least this is what I've heard around the web and from other people I've talked to.