WallTool Cabinet - Shelf install and fitting
As the main carcase now fitted, it was time to include work for the shelf that is located in the lower 3rd of the carcase of the tool cabinet. It serves to stiffen the whole body with the through tenons joinery.it also serves as the base for the plane til that will hold the various planes that will be in the case at an angle
Square through tenons that will hold a shelf for the tool cabinet
As mentionned, the joinery between the shelf and the 2 sides are through tenons, protruding about 1/16 outside of the case.The above picture shows the through tenons still needing a little bit of love to excavate the hole one on of the sides. I drilled most of the waste with a hand drill and then chiseled the rest of the waste up to the layout lines.
Rough Layout of Tenons for a shelf
part of the dimensions were derived from the plan and from the stock itself. I mentioned in the last post that the shelf had an edge that was bruised somewhat and might have been concerned that it could affect the placement of the tenons on the shelfWell, taking dimensions form the assembled tool cabinet case and with the layout form the plan, this was not a problem at all and will be able to have a full tenon without changing the original placement of the tenons on the shelfThe above pictures shows the layout for the 3 tenons. Because the shelf is thicker then the tenons, I preferred to do the mortises before and fit the tenons accordingly once the mortises were cut and chiseled out form the side walls.Just need to clean up a bit the shelf from the remaining glue line and fit the thickness of the tenons with what was cut on the sides then break out the hand saw for the other cuts. Will remove the waste between the tenons with a small saw and sneak up to the line with the chisels from both sides of the board.Once this is fitted with both sides, the carcase will need a dry fit and could then be glued up.